Saturday, December 8, 2012

Diamonds: As Engagement Ring

When we talk about engagement ring, the first things that comes in your mind is eternal love, many people think that it’s a symbol of love, gratitude for someone you love. A famous politician Henry Kissinger said, “A diamond is a chunk of coal that is made good under pressure” and that is so true. A relationship should be like diamonds shining forever because diamond are made in extreme heat, at an extreme pressure, found in the deepest place in earth, so relationship is made by care and for that you need to be extremely patients.

Every thing has its own history. Same with engagement rings, as per the re-search Mary of Burgundy was first to receive a diamond engagement ring in the year 1477. As everybody know diamonds are very costly gem, so in the early days only the rich and wealthy family used to give diamond engagement rings. Wearing engagement ring in left hand is also ancient tradition from Greece. A solitaire setting introduced in late 19th century. Multiple changes took place in making and exchanging engagement rings. Platinum love bands introduced in early 20th century because of strong and durability.  Here are some few celebrities, who wear engagement rings like Jessica Biel, Jennifer Aniston, Miley Cyrus, and Angelina Jolie, there are many more. So show you passion to your lovers by gifting a Diamonds love bands.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Is your diamonds real?

There is old saying “Every things that glitters is not gold”, so why not we implement this same saying on diamonds. Here is my small research by which you can check your diamonds are real or fake. Everybody knows diamonds are most costly stone in the world. Today, more than 100 tons of synthetic diamonds are produced annually and used almost solely in industry. As per research the quality of diamonds revolves around 4 Cs that is cut, color, and clarity and carat weight. By the law of 4 Cs this will help you to make best decisions in quick time.

There are other ways; you can check some documents like Certificate because whenever you buy diamonds with that you will get a certificate. A diamond certificate is issued by independent institutes like the Diamond High Council (HRD) International Gemological Institute (IGI) and the international GIA, in the certificate there are details mentioned such as color, clarity, polish, symmetry and florescence and that’s will be a written proof. Secondly you can check is the setting and mount, real diamond is not likely to be set in a cheap metal. Stamp inside the setting indicating real gold or platinum. Thirdly you can check the diamonds in x-rays because real diamonds doesn’t show up on an x-rays. Fourthly you can do a fog test this the easiest one put the stone in front of your mouth and fog it like you would a mirror. If it stays fogged for a couple seconds, it’s probably a fake, because in real diamond heat disperses instantaneously, and there are many more like heat test and etc but the above mention are quick and less time consuming test which will help you.